Rules for Alternative Dispute Resolution
Adopted, Effective January 1, 1992
Updated, Effective January 1, 2025
Rule 1. General Provisions
Rule 1.1. Scope of These Rules
Rule 1.3. Non-Binding Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods Governed by These Rules
Rule 1.4. Application of Alternative Dispute Resolution
Rule 1.6. Judicial Discretion in Use of Rules
Rule 1.7. Jurisdiction of Proceeding
Rule 1.9. Service of Papers and Orders
Rule 1.11. Alternative Dispute Resolution Plans.
Rule 2. Mediation
Rule 2.2. Case Selection/Objection
Rule 2.3. Listing of Mediators: Commission Registry of Mediators
Rule 2.4. Selection of Mediators
Rule 2.5. Qualifications of Mediators
Rule 2.11. Confidentiality and Admissibility
Rule 3. Non-Binding Arbitration
Rule 3.1. Agreement to Arbitrate
Rule 3.2. Case Status During Arbitration
Rule 3.3. Assignment of Arbitrators
Rule 3.4. Non-Binding Arbitration Procedure
Rule 4. Mini-Trials
Rule 4.2. Case Selection/Objection
Rule 4.3. Case Status Pending Mini-Trial
Rule 4.4. Mini-Trial Procedure
Rule 5. Summary Jury Trials
Rule 5.3. Agreement of Parties
Rule 5.5. Post Determination Questioning
Rule 5.7. Employment Of Presiding Official
Rule 6. Private Judges
Rule 6.2. Compensation of Private Judge and County
Rule 6.3. Trial By Private Judge/Authority
Rule 6.4. Place Of Trial Or Hearing
Rule 7. Conduct and Discipline for Persons Conducting ADR
Rule 7.1. Accountability And Discipline
Rule 7.3. Disclosure and Other Communications
Rule 7.5. Fair, Reasonable and Voluntary Agreements
Rule 7.6. Subsequent Proceedings
Rule 8. Optional Early Mediation
Rule 8.1. Who May Use Optional Early Mediation.
Rule 8.3. Agreement to Mediate.
Rule 8.4. Preliminary Considerations.
Rule 8.6. Settlement Agreement.