Section 27. Incentives, Sanctions, and Therapeutic Adjustments
Effective April 7, 2021
(a) The problem-solving court shall develop and observe written policy and procedure for administering incentives, sanctions, and therapeutic adjustments to participants, including:
(1) The range of behaviors which may result in incentives and examples of incentives awarded by the problem-solving court, including;
(A) Behavioral criteria for phase advancement and graduation are objective, realistic and clearly defined based on clinical achievements, and
(B) Focus on pro-social behavior to reduce undesirable behavior.
(2) The range of behaviors which may result in sanctions, up to and including termination, and the range of sanctions that may be imposed by the problem-solving court, incorporating;
(A) Proximal and distal goals and behaviors,
(B) Progressive disciplinary action, and
(C) Specific policy, procedure and practice governing the use of jail sanctions.
(3) The circumstances under which a therapeutic adjustment, as determined by the problem-solving court team in consultation with a treatment provider, may be imposed by the problem-solving court and the behaviors which may elicit these actions.