Section 15. Risk Assessment
Effective December 8, 2022
(a) The pretrial services entity shall develop and observe written policy and procedure for scheduling and conducting the IRAS-PAT on arrestees and pretrial defendants.
(b) The IRAS-PAT policy, procedure, and practice shall meet each of the following criteria:
(1) assessments shall be conducted by a person authorized by the Indiana Office of Court Services in accordance with the Indiana Risk Assessment System user certification policy adopted by the Judicial Conference of Indiana Board of Directors;
(2) a copy of the assessment conducted by the pretrial services staff shall be maintained in the person’s pretrial services record; and
(3) the confidentiality of an arrestee’s or pretrial defendant’s risk assessment information shall be maintained in accordance with the policy adopted by the Judicial Conference of Indiana Board of Directors.
(c) The results of a current IRAS-PAT shall be considered when determining release and the pretrial monitoring and supervision conditions of an arrestee or pretrial defendant.
(d) Pretrial services may develop and observe written policy and procedure for scheduling and conducting assessments utilizing any appropriate empirically validated assessment in addition to the IRAS-PAT.