Rule 2.13: Hiring and Administrative Appointments
Effective March 1, 1993
(A) In hiring court employees and making administrative appointments, a judge:
(1) shall exercise the power of appointment impartially* and on the basis of merit; and
(2) shall avoid nepotism, favoritism, and unnecessary appointments.
(B) [Reserved]
(C) A judge shall not approve compensation of appointee beyond the fair value of services rendered.
[1] “Appointees of a judge” includes but is not limited to assigned counsel, officials such as referees, commissioners, special masters, receivers, special advocates, and guardians, and personnel such as clerks, secretaries, and bailiffs.
[2] Unless otherwise defined by law, nepotism is the appointment or hiring of any relative within the third degree of relationship of either the judge or the judge's spouse or domestic partner, or the spouse or domestic partner of such relative.
[3] A judge should consult the staff of the Indiana Commission on Judicial Qualifications or its advisory opinions to determine whether hiring or appointing a relative as defined by Comment [2] may be justifiable under the circumstances.
[4] Consent by the parties to an appointment or an award of compensation does not relieve the judge of the obligation prescribed by paragraphs (A) and (C).