Rule 6. Possible Sanctions
Effective January 1, 2018
a) All disciplinary sanctions imposed shall become public unless dismissed, resolved informally and/or by stipulation, or if the sanction is a private reprimand. The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of the Indiana Office of Judicial Administration (IOJA) or his/her designee shall issue his/her decision, including findings and the sanctions to be imposed, if any, within thirty (30) days from the conclusion of the hearing. Time limits may be extended by mutual agreement in writing when an extension is necessary to ensure the fairness and/or sufficiency of the process.
b) Sanctions may consist of but are not limited to one or more of the following:
1) A private reprimand;
2) A public reprimand;
3) Imposition of costs and expenses incurred by the IOJA in connection with the proceeding including investigative costs, if any;
4) Restitution;
5) Requiring that specified education courses be taken;
6) Requiring that one or more parts of the interpreter certification examination be retaken;
7) Modification or suspension from the list of interpreters eligible to work in the courts;
8) Requiring that work be supervised;
9) Suspension of certification for a specified period of time;
10) Revocation of certification;
11) Requiring a period of probation in which the interpreter will not be eligible to seek certification.
c) The specific disciplinary action and the degree of discipline to be imposed should depend upon factors such as the seriousness of the violation, the intent of the interpreter, whether there is a pattern of improper activity, and the effect of the improper activity on others or on the judicial system.