Interpreter Code of Conduct and Procedure & Disciplinary Process for Certified Court Interpreters and Candidates for Interpreter Certification

Rule 4. Complaint Process

Effective January 1, 2018

a) Any person may initiate a complaint within 180 days of the egregious act by filing it with the Indiana Office of Judicial Administration (IOJA). All complaints must be in writing, must be signed, and must describe the alleged inappropriate conduct and the date(s) when the conduct occurred.

b) Upon receipt of a complaint, the Program Manager of the Indiana Court Interpreter Certification Program will review the complaint to determine whether the allegations, if true, would constitute grounds for discipline. If no grounds are found, then the Program Manager will dismiss the complaint with a notification of the reasons for dismissing the complaint and will notify the complainant and interpreter. If the complaint alleges conduct that would constitute grounds for discipline, the interpreter will be provided with written notice of the allegations and asked to provide a written response to the complaint within thirty (30) days of this notification. The Program Manager shall investigate the allegations and may consider information obtained from sources other than the complaint and response. If the Program Manager is unavailable for any reason, the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of the IOJA may designate any attorney within the Division to fulfill any and all of the Program Manager's duties under the Disciplinary Code.

c) If the Program Manager determines that there is probable cause to believe that conduct constituting grounds for discipline occurred, then the Program Manager shall submit a report of findings to the CAO for review. If the investigation reveals that there is not probable cause to believe that the conduct occurred, then the complaint will be dismissed and the complainant and interpreter will be so notified.