Indiana Child Support Guidelines

Guideline 3F. Computation of Parent's Child Support Obligation (Worksheet Line 6).

Effective January 1, 2020

Each parent's child support obligation is determined by multiplying his or her percentage share of total weekly adjusted income (Worksheet Line 2) times the Total Child Support Obligation (Worksheet Line 5).

1. Division of Obligation Between Parents (Worksheet Line 6).

The total child support obligation is divided between the parents in proportion to their weekly adjusted income. A monetary obligation is computed for each parent. The custodial parent’s share is presumed to be spent directly on the child. When there is near equal parenting time, and the custodial parent has significantly higher income than the noncustodial parent, application of the parenting time credit should result in an order for the child support to be paid from a custodial parent to a noncustodial parent, absent grounds for a deviation.

2. Deviation from Guideline Amount.

If, after consideration of the factors contained in IC 31 16 6 1 and IC 31 16 6 2, the court finds that the Guideline amount is unjust or inappropriate in a particular case, the court shall state a factual basis for the deviation and proceed to enter a support amount that is deemed appropriate.

Commentary to Guideline 3F

Computation of Child Support.

1. Apportionment of Support Between Parents.

After the total child support obligation is determined, it is necessary to apportion that obligation between the parents based on their respective weekly adjusted incomes. First, a percentage is formed by dividing the weekly adjusted income of each parent by the total weekly adjusted income (Line 1E of the Worksheet). The percentages are entered on Line 2 of the Worksheet. The total child support obligation is then multiplied by the percentages on Line 2 (the percentage of total weekly adjusted income that the weekly adjusted income of each parent represents) and the resulting figure is the child support obligation of each parent. The noncustodial parent is ordered to pay his or her proportionate share of support as calculated on Line 6 of the Worksheet. Custodial parents are presumed to be meeting their obligations by direct expenditures on behalf of the child, so a support order is not entered against the custodial parent.

2. Apportionment of Support When Incapacitated Adult Child has Earned Income.

Under certain circumstances the earned income of a child may be considered in apportioning support. In calculating a support obligation with respect to an incapacitated adult child with earned income, the support obligation may be determined by apportioning the support based upon the relative amount earned by the parents and the child.

3. Deviation from Guideline Amount.

If the court determines that the Guideline amount is unjust, inappropriate, or denies the obligor a means of self-support at a subsistence level, a written finding shall be made setting forth the factual basis for deviation from the Guideline amount. A simple finding such as the following is sufficient: "The court finds that the presumptive amount of support calculated under the Guidelines has been rebutted for the following reasons." A pro forma finding that the Guidelines are not appropriate does not satisfy the requirement for a specific finding of inappropriateness in a particular case, which is required in an order to deviate from the Guideline amount. For further discussion of deviation from the Guideline amount, see also the Commentary to Support Guideline 1.