Section 8. Recertification - Application and Procedures
Effective August 31, 2021
(a) The program must follow the procedures described in this section to initiate a recertification review and obtain recertification.
(b) Not less than 120 days prior to the actual expiration date of the certificate the program director must do the following:
(1) notify the Indiana Office of Court Services that the program intends to apply for recertification; and
(2) request an application for recertification.
(c) The Indiana Office of Court Services will schedule dates for a recertification review and forward to the applicant a standard application for recertification form.
(d) The program must submit the completed application along with any supporting documents and the program’s updated policies and procedures manual to the Indiana Office of Court Services at least 30 days before the program's scheduled certification review date.
(e) Recertification review may include evaluation of each of the following:
(1) the program’s compliance with IC 12-23-14;
(2) the program’s compliance with these rules;
(3) the number, qualifications, and abilities of program staff.
(4) the qualifications and abilities of any contractor that provides services to the program or its clients, and the contractor’s compliance with the terms of the contract;
(5) the qualifications and abilities of any treatment provider that provides treatment services to the program’s clients and the treatment provider’s compliance with the terms of the provider referral agreement;
(6) the program’s process of obtaining client evaluations of program services and the program’s response to client suggestions; and
(7) any other issues or subjects that the Indiana Office of Court Services determines are relevant to the review.
(f) Upon initiation of the recertification review in accordance with this section, the program’s current certification status may be maintained until the conclusion of the recertification review and the court is either awarded a new certificate in accordance with this section or denied recertification in accordance with Section 10 unless the court’s certification is suspended or revoked in accordance with Section 12.
(g) Upon completion of the recertification review, the Indiana Office of Court Services may provide an executive summary of the review to the supervising judge and any program staff the judge wishes to have present. Not later than 60 days after completion of the recertification review the Indiana Office of Court Services must send a final report to the supervising judge and program director.
(h) When the program has satisfied the requirements of this section, and the Indiana Office of Court Services determines that all standards required by these rules have been met, the Indiana Office of Court Services must issue a new certificate for a period not to exceed four years, in accordance with the requirements of Section 6.