Section 25. Case Management
Effective August 31, 2021
(a) A program must have written policies and procedures for recording client progress in the client record.
(b) The client record must include progress notes that:
(1) are filed or maintained in chronological order and contain the date, and identifies the staff member making the entry; and
(2) document any of the following:
(A) relevant contact(s) with the client; and
(B) relevant contact(s) with an individual or an agency that includes a reference to the client.
(c) The program must monitor the progress of each client in satisfactorily completing the client's individual service contract and other requirements governing the client's conduct or performance during participation in the program. The monitoring procedure must, at a minimum, determine clients who have:
(1) failed, as scheduled or required, to comply with the individual service contract;
(2) failed to comply with the rules of conduct governing the client's participation in the court program or of a service provider to which the client was referred; or
(3) been successfully or unsuccessfully discharged or terminated by a service provider to which the client was referred.
(d) The program shall establish written policies and procedures for:
(1) terminating a client's court-imposed obligation to participate in the court- administered alcohol and drug services program; and
(2) documenting that the client has:
(A) successfully complied with the individual service contract; or
(B) violated any requirement of the individual service contract.