Indiana Rules for Court-Administered Alcohol & Drug Programs

Section 19. Eligibility and Non-Discrimination

Effective August 31, 2021

(a) A program must have a written description of the criteria for the acceptance of substance use-involved offenders as clients who are eligible to receive one or more services provided by the court program.

(b) A program shall maintain a copy of the executed and filed court order or pretrial diversion agreement for alcohol and drug services for each client referred to the program in the client’s record to provide evidence of the client’s eligibility to receive services and any court-ordered fees associated with the program.

(c) A program must have and post in a conspicuous place a written policy of nondiscrimination that is provided to the client and addresses nondiscrimination based on each of the following:

(1) race;

(2) sex;

(3) religion;

(4) gender;

(5) national origin;

(6) ethnicity;

(7) sexual orientation;

(8) age;

(9) disabilities;

(10) marital status;

(11) socioeconomic status; or,

(12) political affiliation.

(d) A program must have a form used to inform the client of the non-discrimination policy. The form must have a signature line or a signature page for the client to acknowledge receiving a copy of the form. The program must place the signed form or signature page in the client’s record.