Rule 7.3. Disclosure and Other Communications
Effective January 1, 2017
(A) A neutral has a continuing duty to communicate with the parties and their attorneys as follows:
(1) notify participants of the date, time, and location for the process, at least ten (10) days in advance, unless a shorter time period is agreed by the parties;
(2) describe the applicable ADR process or, when multiple processes are contemplated, each of the processes, including the possibility in nonbinding processes that the neutral may conduct private sessions;
(3) in domestic relations matters, distinguish the ADR process from therapy or marriage counseling;
(4) disclose the anticipated cost of the process;
(5) advise that the neutral does not represent any of the parties;
(6) disclose any past, present or known future
(a) professional, business, or personal relationship with any party, insurer, or attorney involved in the process, and
(b) other circumstances bearing on the perception of the neutral's impartiality;
(7) advise parties of their right to obtain independent legal counsel;
(8) advise that any agreement signed by the parties constitutes evidence that may be introduced in litigation; and
(9) disclose the extent and limitations of the confidentiality of the process consistent with the other provisions of these rules.
(B) A neutral may not misrepresent any material fact or circumstance nor promise a specific result or imply partiality.
(C) A neutral shall preserve the confidentiality of all proceedings, except where otherwise provided.
Version History
Effective | Obsolete | Amended |
current | - | - |
01-01-2017 | 01-01-2025 | 12-19-2024 |