Rule 15. Applications, Filing Dates and Fees for Examination and Re-Examination
Effective January 1, 2022
Applications for admission on first examination shall be filed through the electronic application procedures prescribed by the State Board of Law Examiners. The application shall be in such form and shall request such information as may be required by the Board of Law Examiners. The Board of Law Examiners may require additional information as is deemed by it to be necessary.
An affidavit of the dean of the applicant's law school, or the dean's designee, to the effect that there is nothing in the school records or personal knowledge of the dean or faculty of such school to indicate that the applicant is not of good moral character or that the applicant is not fit for admission to the practice of law must be filed with the State Board of Law Examiners. The Board shall provide forms for such certification.
A certified transcript of the law school record of the applicant showing the date of graduation and the degree conferred must be filed with the Board of Law Examiners before the applicant can be admitted to the bar.
For an application to be properly filed, an applicant must submit the electronic application and prescribed filing fee by the stated filing deadline. No requests for filing past the stated deadlines or for waiver of filing deadlines will be accepted by the Board of Law Examiners or by the Supreme Court.
Applications for admission on first examination for the July examination must be filed by April l, and accompanied by a filing fee of two hundred fifty dollars ($250). A late filing period is permitted until April 15. The filing fee for late filing is five hundred dollars ($500).
The deadline filing date for the February examination is November 15 of the previous year. The filing fee is two hundred fifty dollars ($250). The late filing period is from that date to November 30 of the previous year. The late filing fee is five hundred dollars ($500).
If an applicant fails to pass the first examination and is permitted to take further examinations, the application for re-examination must be made on forms prescribed by the Board and filed with the Executive Director of the Indiana Office of Admissions and Continuing Education by the following dates. Applications for re-examination for the July examination must be filed by May 30 and accompanied by a filing fee of two hundred fifty dollars ($250). The late filing deadline is June 15 and the late filing fee is five hundred dollars ($500). Applications for re-examination for the February examination must be filed by December 15 of the previous year. The regular filing fee is two hundred fifty dollars ($250). The late filing deadline is December 30 of the previous year. The late filing fee is five hundred dollars ($500).
There are no other provisions for or consideration of requests for late filing by the Board or by the Indiana Supreme Court.
Applicants who have a petition before the Board or an appeal before the Supreme Court of the grading of their examination will be required to meet all filing deadlines for re-examination. If an applicant is successful on petition or on appeal, the applicant will receive a full refund of any re-examination fee.
If an applicant whose application has been approved and processed fails to take the examination first following its approval, such applicant shall have the privilege of having that application held in abeyance and of taking the next regularly scheduled examination given by the Board without payment of any additional fee. Any applicant whose application has been approved and processed who fails to take that examination, or the next following examination, shall have that application dismissed. The applicant will be entitled to a refund of one-half ( 1/2 ) of the fee paid.
If an applicant applies to sit for a first examination after his or her application has been dismissed, a new application must be filed and a two hundred fifty dollar ($250) filing fee must be paid and the first examination deadlines must be met. If an applicant applies to sit for a re-examination after his or her application has been dismissed, a new application must be filed and a two hundred fifty dollar ($250) filing fee must be paid, but these applicants will be permitted to file by the re-examination time deadline and will have the opportunity to file within that late filing period. All applicants applying after dismissal must meet the regular deadlines or late filing deadlines and pay the regular fee or the late fee as they apply to those deadlines.