Rule 2. Reporting Fiscal Matters
Effective January 1, 2018
(A) Preparation of Fiscal Reporting Forms.
The Indiana Office of Judicial Administration (IOJA), pursuant to these rules and IC 33-24-6-3, shall draft forms to be used in the gathering of revenue, budget and expenditure data from the courts and shall submit the proposed forms to the Supreme Court for approval. The revenue report forms shall collect data on the revenues generated by the operation of the courts within the county, the categories for which monies were collected, the amounts collected in each category, and how the collected funds were distributed. The budget and expenditure forms shall collect data on the requested budgets of the courts and their offices for the upcoming calendar year, the approved budgets for the courts and their offices for the upcoming year, the actual expenditures of the court and their offices during the previous calendar year, specifying the categories for which funds were requested, approved and spent.
After the Supreme Court approves the forms the IOJA shall distribute the forms to all courts to be used in preparation of reports. All trial courts shall prepare, on forms approved under the provisions of this rule, fiscal reports on the receipt and expenditure of public money by and for the operation of the courts.
(B) Report of Clerk on Revenues.
Within ten (10) days after the close of the calendar year, the Clerk of the Court shall report to the judge of the court, or chief judge of a unified court system, all information necessary for the completion of the revenue report form. In the case of a City or Town Court, if there is no clerk, the judge of a City or Town Court shall prepare such report.
(C) Budget and Expenditure Report.
Within ten (10) days after the close of the calendar year, the judge of the court, or chief judge of a unified court system, or a judge’s designee shall gather all information necessary for the completion of the budget and expenditure report including all county budget and expenditure information for indigent defense not included in a court budget.
(D) Report of Judge.
The judge of the trial court or the chief judge of a unified court system shall cause the fiscal reports to be filed with the IOJA no later than twenty (20) days after the end of the calendar year for the reporting period in electronic format as established by the IOJA.
(E) Judge's Confirmation of Reporting.
The judge of the court or the chief judge of a unified court system shall review all reports and confirm, through a process established by the IOJA, the completion and filing of all reports.